Message posted on 10/05/2022

Call for workshop participation - Relationality, commoning, and designing - Online workshop at PDC2022

                Dear list members,

We are happy to share with you the call for participating at the 
forthcoming /Relationality, commoning, and designing/ online workshop, 
which will be held at the Participatory Design Conference 2022!

Please find at this link (and in this mail below) all the relevant 
information about the workshop and how to participate:

We look forward having many of you there!

Best regards,
Giacomo (on behalf of the workshop organizers)

/Relationality, commoning, and designing/ is an online workshop part of 
PDC2022 programme  that tries to:

1) explore how relational ontology can support design processes that 
target commons and commoning as outcomes

2) reflect on how commons and commoning can work as speculative lenses 
for the understanding of relationality in participatory design.

The workshop will engage with the following questions:

  * What does it mean to consider the commons with a keen eye on
    relationality? What do we lose and what do we gain by doing so?
  * How does a focus on relationality implicate for the (participatory)
    designers’ role(s) and position(s) in the context of commons
    oriented or based projects?
  * How can we frame and understand relationality in ways that are
    relevant when commoning design and designing commons?
  * How do we embrace and rely upon relationality when designing
    collectively and in a participatory manner within more-than-human
  * Which kind of relational qualities are essential for commoning
    design and designing commons?
  * What does it mean to make visible and map relations?
  * How do we become commoners and what do we nurture in common?
  * Why do we need each other?
  * Who or what is not here though very much needed?
  * Which relations do we craft with us/them?
  * What are the qualities of the relations we design?

We think the workshop can appeal to those who aim at critically 
supporting alternative and more sustainable futures for all (not only 
humans) by means of participatory designing and commoning. In the 
workshop, we will work towards these concrete outcomes:

  * a joint and collective map of elements of the designing commons &
    commoning design relationship.
  * an enhanced and extended version of the Pluriversal Slide-deck.
  * an episode in the Commoning Design and Designing Commons podcast
     built on audio recorded
    excerpts of the workshop activities (to be agreed with participants).
  * set of ideas for further collaborations.


This is an *online workshop* and to allow for broad participation and 
favor inclusion of participants worldwide, it will take place through 
synchronous plenary sessions and asynchronous group/time-zone based 
sessions. These sessions will be planned to accommodate participants 
from different time-zones (including possibility of short f2f sessions 
in Newcastle for those present). The final schedule will be created to 
account for the locations of the participants as most conveniently as 
possible. Additionally, small preliminary preparatory activities will be 
allocated to participants prior to the workshop sessions.

Materially, the workshop will rely on the use of video-conferencing 
systems, online whiteboards, collaborative software tools, and the 
digital version of the Commoning Design Pluriversal Slide-Deck 

The Slide-Deck will be used as a prompt to trigger open conversations 
and storytelling among the participants, with the aim to flesh out early 
shared and diverging understandings of relationality in design and 
commoning. A central phase of the workshop will focus on the elaboration 
and mapping of relevant elements emerging from shared conversations.


If you are you interested in joining us at PDC2022, send us an 
expression of interest in the form of a brief position statement (max 
1000 words), where you reflect on a current or past project, research 
idea, or case you are familiar with which put into focus the three 
elements of the workshop: relationality, commons/-ing, and design/-ing.

*Submit to 

*By June 6th*

*Notification of acceptance by June 20th *

We aim to adopt an open and inclusive approach to participation in the 
workshop, so we will accept as many participants as we can reasonably 
handle (approx. 30). In case it will be necessary, contributions will be 
selected to preserve overall coherence with the workshop theme, 
heterogeneity of specific themes portrayed by the position papers, as 
well as geographical distribution and gender-balance.


Giacomo Poderi, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Sanna-Maria Marttila, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Joanna Saad-Sulonen, IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Frederick M.C. van Amstel, UTFPR, BR
Maurizio Teli, Aalborg University, DK
Linda Tonolli, Università di Trento, IT
Vincenzo D’Andrea, Università di Trento, IT
Andrea Botero, Aalto University FI/ Universidad de los Andes COL

Giacomo Poderi, Adjunkt/Assistant Professor - Digital Design Department

Member of the /Digital Society and 
and of the /Center for Digital Welfare/.

IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, DK-2300 Copenhagen 
S, Denmark.

Latest publication: On commoners’ daily struggles: Carving out the 
when/where of 
/Ephemera: theory & politics in organization/, 21(3). Nov 2021.
Editorial board member of /Tecnoscienza - Italian Journal of Science and 
Podcast -/Commoning Design & Designing Commons/ -
Co-charing DASTS2022 Panel: 
“/Caring and Commoning in/through STS interventions/”.
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