Message posted on 28/04/2022

VUB Chair in Surveillance Studies Seminar IX with Elizabeth Joh: Artificial Intelligence and Policing: Challenges in the United States

                Dear all,

This is a kind reminder that in less than two weeks, we welcome Elizabeth Joh
for a seminar entitled 'Artificial Intelligence and Policing: Challenges in
the United States'.
Registration is open to all and free of charge, so make sure to book your spot
HERE if you are interested.
The seminar takes place May 11th at 6PM (Brussels Time). Please find more
information about the Elizabeth Joh and the content of the seminar in the file
attached to this email.

Those who missed our previous seminar on the police-use of facial recognition
technology in India with Shivangi Narayan can now read an excellent
recapitulation of the seminar on our blog entitled 'Facial recognition
technology, a new Ring of Power for the Delhi
police', written by fellow VUB Chair
in Surveillance Studies PhD candidate Lander Govaerts. The recording of the
session is also available on our

Please don't hesitate to reach out should there be any comments or questions.

Kind regards,
Bram Visser
PhD Candidate at the VUB Chair in Surveillance Studies
PR & Communication for Privacy Salon & CPDP

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Seminar IX - Artificial Intelligence and Policing - Challenges in the United States.pdf]
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