Message posted on 11/02/2020

Call for candidates for an interdisciplinary postdoc in "Sensing disasters" (Open University of Catalonia)

                Dear colleagues,
<br>We would like to inform you that our university, the Open University of
<br>Catalonia, has opened a call for five new three-year postdoctoral research
<br>stays at the UOC. The places are aimed at teaching staff and postdoctoral
<br>researchers specialized in any of the areas of knowledge covered by the
<br>University's research groups. The deadline to apply is 1 March.
<br>The call is geared towards researchers holding a doctoral degree from the
<br>UOC or another institution who meet the terms and conditions set forth by
<br>the call. Candidates holding a doctoral degree from the UOC must provide
<br>proof of having carried out at least one other postdoctoral stay at another
<br>university or research centre for a minimum of two years. To access the
<br>external announcement, click here
<br>This year candidates can request to carry out an interdisciplinary
<br>postdoctoral stay, an entirely new feature for calls of this nature. This
<br>option is the result of the UOC's push for interdisciplinary research, as
<br>laid out in its Strategic Plan. For the purposes of this call,
<br>interdisciplinary research is considered to be research which merges
<br>knowledge and methodology from different disciplines through an observable
<br>synthesis or combination of approaches. This differs from multidisciplinary
<br>research, in which researchers from different disciplines work together.
<br>In this context, CareNet & Wine
<br> research groups are calling for candidates to
<br>apply to a potential postdoc on “Sensing Disasters”:
<br>Environmental and disaster science and governance have been significantly
<br>transformed by digital sensing infrastructures. Environmental monitoring
<br>via ICT, monitoring technologies, and IoT applications have become crucial
<br>for understanding, registering and managing an increasing number of
<br>environmental processes, epidemics or disasters. These technologies may be
<br>part of computational arrangements, making the environment programmable in
<br>the form of data inputs that are rendered calculative by computer systems.
<br>However, as sensors are not merely input devices that make nature available
<br>to human experience – they are also interventions that construct, for
<br>instance, notions of environmental pollution according to which variables
<br>are measured where, who can access and verify the data, etc. Indeed, these
<br>digital infrastructures also tend to become objects of great public
<br>scrutiny and debate, as well as part of numerous citizen science
<br>initiatives and environmental justice forms of activism.
<br>With this call, we are seeking candidates that aim to engage in an
<br>study/experiment of “participatory sensing” of disasters in Catalonia.
<br>aim of the project is to bring social scientists and technologists to
<br>collaborate in the design, implementation and later analysis of sensors
<br>contributing to gather other voices, temporalities, geographies and
<br>intersections usually not represented in a particular socio-environmental
<br>issue. Some case studies we are interested in and that can inspire
<br>potential applications are:
<br>   -
<br>   Pig slurry contamination: sensing and monitoring nitrates.
<br>   -
<br>   Sensing and monitoring climate change wildfires.
<br>   -
<br>   Sensing and monitoring air quality in urban or industrial environments.
<br>Beneficiaries: the researchers awarded the available places must not have
<br>been employed by the UOC at any time during the two years prior to the
<br>publication of this call. The provisional decision for the call will be
<br>published from 3 April, and appeals can be made until 13 April. The appeals
<br>and final decision will then be made public from 17 April.
<br>If you are interested in submitting a research proposal to this grant and
<br>join this interdisciplinary exploration, please send a motivation letter, a
<br>CV including a list of publications, and a statement on current and future
<br>research interests by email to by 21st February 2020.
<br>Thanks in advance. Best,
<br>*Israel Rodríguez Giralt*
<br>IN3 - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute
<br>CareNet Research Group
<br>*Senior Researcher *(+34) 934 505 495
<br>  / CUIDAR
<br> / CANDID
<br>@birrabel  / @ProyectoCuidar
<br> / linkedin
<br>Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
<br>08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
<br>facebook  / @IN3_UOC
<br> / linkedin
<br>[image: UOC R&I] 
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