Message posted on 18/11/2019

Reminder: Call for Papers: Digital (mental) health? On new orientation of diagnosis, treatment, and self-help through the use of digital media

                Dear colleagues,
<br>this is a reminder for our CfP on digital health, end of deadline is on the
<br>30th of November.
<br>Best regards
<br>Lina Franken
<br>Call for Papers: Digital (mental) health? On new orientation of diagnosis,
<br>treatment, and self-help through the use of digital media
<br>Workshop of the collaborative research project Automated modelling of
<br>hermeneutic processes  The use of annotation in social research and the
<br>humanities for analyses on health (hermA) on the 4th and 5th February 2020
<br>in Hamburg
<br>As the digitalisation of health systems is progressing, an intensive
<br>discussion of the norms and values concerning this process has begun.
<br>Regarding the field of diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, as well as the
<br>storage of the data that is produced in the course of this, new questions
<br>arise. Digital devices are used increasingly in the various processes in the
<br>health system, with which data is collected and stored digitally. As a
<br>result, questions concerning the changing relationship between health care
<br>providers, patients, and the technical infrastructure, as well as regarding
<br>the processing, storing, and analysis of the thus created data emerge. At
<br>the same time, the communication and the manners in which knowledge is
<br>generated in the field of illness and health in the digital sphere change,
<br>as in such cases as consulting Dr. Google, viewing videos on YouTube, or
<br>using apps as a way of treatment or for monitoring your own health.
<br>The workshop aims to differentiate the research area of digital health care
<br>and communication with a focus on mental health. This thematic context
<br>offers links to the methods of the Digital Humanities and the Computational
<br>Social Sciences and their further development within the thematic field of
<br>interest. The workshop will have two core themes:
<br>1. Digital (mental) health care
<br>What kind of data exists and is generated on the institutional, economic,
<br>and personal level within the health care system? How can the structured
<br>analysis of (long-term) data facilitate diagnoses and treatments? How is the
<br>increasing access to big data changing the health care system?
<br>What possibilities do apps offer in the context of treatment, for example in
<br>the area of emotional and mental support? How do these work together with
<br>analogue treatments? In which cases do doctors and health professionals
<br>offer remote treatment, in which are chatbots used, and where are the both
<br>combined? Who designs these formats, and what do the usage and interactions
<br>facilitated by them look like?
<br>2. Digital health communication
<br>What new forms of health communication emerge and persist in the process of
<br>digitalisation? What role do blogs and social media communities play in
<br>health communication? Where can one find professional services online and
<br>how are these used? How are images of mental and physical health conveyed as
<br>a result?
<br>Both perspectives have in common that they are asking after evaluations and
<br>the acceptance of the changing field of health, as well as the appertaining
<br>norms being negotiated. The workshops goal is to examine these perspectives
<br>in an interdisciplinary context and bring them together productively in
<br>order to work together to develop them further. Because of this, we
<br>explicitly welcome conceptual or theoretical contributions that are still at
<br>an early stage of development. Subsequent to the workshop, a further
<br>collaboration of the participants is aimed for.
<br>Please send your abstract for a paper of 20 minutes to
<br>   until the
<br>30th of November 2019. The abstract should be 1-2 pages including
<br>references. Please also enclose a short biographical note. A reimbursement
<br>of travel expenses is possible.
<br>Organisation and planning: Lina Franken, Gertraud Koch, Heike Zinsmeister
<br>Dr. Lina Franken
<br>Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
<br>Universitt Hamburg
<br>Institut fr Volkskunde/Kulturanthropologie
<br>Forschungsverbund Automatisierte Modellierung hermeneutischer Prozesse
<br>Grindelallee 46
<br>20146 Hamburg
<br>Tel.: +49 40 42838-9943
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