Message posted on 16/04/2019

[job offer: deadline closing soon] KTP Associate (Oxford Uni)- Automated Control of Services in Smart Buildings with Machine Learning

                [Job Offer: Deadline 29th April 2019]
<br>KTP Associate on the KTP project - Automated Control of Services in Smart
<br>Buildings with Machine Learning*University of Oxford *- Atamate Ltd
<br>Grade 7: £32,236 - £39,609 p.a.
<br>This UKRI InnovateUK funded Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) supports a
<br>3-year collaboration between Oxford University and Atamate Ltd, towards
<br>knowledge transfer and development of new high-tech solutions for the
<br>company. The principal focus of the KTP project is on translation of
<br>research that resides in the university research group into new products or
<br>services for the company. Consequently, the KTP Associate position suits a
<br>candidate looking to straddle the academic and business environments. This
<br>position provides additional benefits, including funding for career
<br>development opportunities, such as training and conference attendance.
<br>Please note that you would need to be able to take up the post by 28 June
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