Message posted on 04/12/2018

CFP: Experimenting Participatory Innovation (special issue for Science as Culture)

                *Deadline*: 15th of January 2019 (abstracts)
<br>*Special Issue for Science as Culture*: *Experimenting Participatory
<br>*Editors*: Hadrien Macq and Pierre Delvenne (SPIRAL, University of Liège)
<br>This special issue welcomes contributions scrutinizing the evolving
<br>relationship between innovation, participation and political identity under
<br>the language, practices and processes of experimentation. For more
<br>information, please see the attached CFP. Papers may include the following
<br>-       What roles do experiments in innovation play in the (re)invention
<br>of political identities? How are political identities shaped by these new
<br>collective experiments? How is the role of public authorities reconfigured?
<br>-       Why are experiments in innovation promoted and enacted? How do
<br>contextual dynamics affect the promotion of such experiments, and the types
<br>of conducted experiments?
<br>-       How are innovations made available for experimentation?
<br>-       How do experiments reconfigure conventional innovation policies?
<br>(e.g. notionally driven by technology and/or markets?)
<br>-       What forms of power emerge in related experiments? Who are the
<br>publics in these configurations? Who benefits from the innovation(s) that
<br>might be produced?
<br>Abstracts should summarise the argument within approx. 250 words, as
<br>required by the SaC editorial guidelines
<br>Abstracts are requested by the 15th of January, 2019.
<br>Please send your abstract to both Hadrien Macq ( and
<br>Pierre Delvenne ( with “Experimenting
<br>Participatory Innovation” in the email subject.
<br>For those asked to send full papers, these will be expected by the 1st of
<br>April, 2019.
<br>Best regards,
<br>Pierre and Hadrien
<br>Pierre Delvenne
<br>Dr. Sc. Pol. & Soc
<br>Chercheur qualifié du Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS
<br>Co-Directeur du Centre de recherches SPIRAL
<br>Pôle de recherche en Science, Technologie et Société
<br>Université de Liège
<br>Page personnelle
<br>Mes publications
<br>Bureau: +32(0)43663102
<br>Mobile: +32(0)495431014
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Experimenting Participatory Innovation_SaC CfP.pdf]
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