Message posted on 02/09/2018

Call for Tutorials: ACM FAT* 2019 (ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency)

                Could you deliver a session that would further practice and knowledge around societal implication and risks of algorithmic systems? The second ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAT* 2019) is soliciting a wide variety of tutorials to be delivered on January 29, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia.
<br>- *Hands-on Tutorials*  (90 or 180 mins) should give ACM FAT*’s broad audience the chance to experiment with new software packages to deal with the issues of the conference.
<br>- *Translation Tutorials* (45 or 90 mins) aim to "translate" between disciplines; for instance, by explaining computer science concepts in a way that will be practically useful for lawyers, policy makers, and other practitioners, or by explaining legal, policy, or social science concepts in a way that will guide computer scientists in their future technical explorations.
<br>- *Implications Tutorials* (45 or 90 mins) should cover known legal, policy, medical, or socio-economic effects of unfair algorithmic systems, lack of interpretability of machine learning models, biases in the data, or other ACM FAT* related issues. We particularly encourage submissions by civil rights lawyers, policy advocates, civil society representatives, and others who work closely with individuals and communities affected by algorithmic systems.
<br>3 page tutorial descriptions (+1 page for Hands-On Tutorials), are due September 13, 23:59 AoE Time, and those successful will be notified on October 15.
<br>More information, including more detailed information about formats and types of session, is available here:
<br>Best wishes,
<br>Michael and Michael
<br>Publicity Co-Chairs, ACM FAT* 2019
<br>Michael Veale [@mikarv,]
<br>Dept. of Science, Technology, Engineering & Public Policy
<br>University College London
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