Message posted on 01/09/2018

Workshop "Independence of Research" - deadline extended to 10 September

                Dear colleagues,
<br>we extended the deadline for the submission of abstracts to our workshop 
<br>to 10 September. Please find the full call attached.
<br>The short version:
<br>The independence of research is a key strategic problem of modern 
<br>societies. The questions who should be able to influence research and 
<br>how this can be accomplished without damaging its productivity become 
<br>increasingly important. At the same time, we observe new challenges to 
<br>the independence of research from the increasing integration of science 
<br>in political processes, changes in science funding, threats to the 
<br>mutual trust between scientists such as the reproducibility crisis and 
<br>the discovery of questionable research practices, and a growing mutual 
<br>dependence of researchers. The complex problems posed by these shifts 
<br>are insufficiently matched by a collaboration of disciplines 
<br>investigating conditions for, and effects of, the changing independence 
<br>of research. Sociological, psychological, legal, economic, historical 
<br>and philosophical perspectives are unevenly developed, insufficiently 
<br>integrated, and rarely linked to reflections by scientists on their 
<br>We invite theoretical and empirical contributions, which may contribute 
<br>to the disciplinary perspectives described above, add to them (e.g. 
<br>historical or psychological ones), or explore interdisciplinary 
<br>perspectives. Please submit abstracts of about 500 words until*10 
<br>. Participants will be notified 
<br>by*15 September*. We will cover travel and accommodation costs of 
<br>Best wishes
<br>Jochen Gläser
<br>PD Dr Jochen Gläser
<br>PD Dr Jochen Gläser
<br>Center for Technology and Society
<br>TU Berlin
<br>Hardenbergstr. 16-18
<br>*New Special Issue:*/Changing Funding Arrangements and the Production of 
<br>Scientific Knowledge. Minerva 56 (1)/
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of CFP Independence of research.pdf]
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