Message posted on 22/08/2018

Newly-formed STS programs?

                Dear STSers,
<br>my Asian university is intensely exploring how to set up a new STS program
<br>(with a new undergraduate degree course) completely from scratch over the
<br>next few years (and I'm supposed to help). If anyone belongs to a newly-formed
<br>STS teaching program/department anywhere in the world, formed in the last 5
<br>years or so, and would like to discuss the challenges/opportunities of such an
<br>endeavor, I'd be pleased and very appreciative to chat with you informally
<br>on the phone. Just send me contact details off-list.
<br>Alan Marshall, BSc (hons), M.Phil,
<br>EASST's Eurograd mailing list
<br>Eurograd (at)
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