Message posted on 27/07/2018

[meetings] CfP „When Robots Think - Interdisciplinary Views on Intelligent Automation”

                Apologies for cross-postings
<br>Interdisciplinary Conference When Robots Think - Interdisciplinary Views on
<br>Intelligent Automation
<br>When: November 14th to November 16th 2018
<br>Where: Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Mnster, Germany
<br>Astrid Rosenthal-von der Ptten (RWTH Aachen University)
<br>Benedikt Paul Gcke (Ruhr-University Bochum)
<br>Frank Meier-Hamidi (Akademie Franz Hitze Haus)
<br>Important dates:
<br>July 31st - Submission deadline for talk abstracts
<br>August 15th - Submission deadline for poster abstracts
<br>August 31st  Notification of acceptance for both formats
<br>November 14th-16th  Conference in Mnster
<br>Theme and Objective of the Event:
<br>In Western societies, we are surrounded by artificially intelligent systems.
<br>Most of these systems are embedded in online platforms like Facebook. But
<br>embodiment of AI, be it by voice (Siri, Alexa, Cortana) or by actual physical
<br>embodiment (as in the case of robots) give artificially intelligent systems
<br>another dimension in terms of their impact on how we perceive these systems,
<br>how they shape our communication with them and with fellow humans and how we
<br>live and work together. Newest scientific developments transform what long has
<br>been only science fiction into real systems to be used by common users. While
<br>many of the systems under development are not yet market-ready, they will be
<br>within short time and they have great potential to completely change our
<br>society. Because laypersons knowledge of intelligent automation is based on
<br>science fiction with its dramatic, controversial, highly philosophical
<br>storylines, societal climate is rather reserved than accepting towards
<br>artificially intelligent systems. On the other side, we observe that people
<br>are readily and seemingly unreflective about the consequences of adopting new
<br>technologies once they are on the market. Artificially intelligent systems
<br>will be integral part of our homes, workplaces, industry production sites,
<br>transportation, care facilities and educational institutions. Thus, it is
<br>necessary to develop these systems responsibly under consideration of ethical,
<br>legal and social issues (ELSI). While AI is indeed a field in need for
<br>interdisciplinary research and development, it is, however, still a challenge
<br>to bring together different disciplines, to develop common ground -a common
<br>understanding- and establish overarching projects. The purpose of the
<br>conference is to bring together some of the best international researchers
<br>from diverse scientific fields to discuss and evaluate the state of the art of
<br>intelligent automation and its impact on individuals and society. To achieve
<br>this goal, the conference is divided into five sections with at least two
<br>invited speakers per theme and the possibility for attendees to actively take
<br>part by presenting their work as short talk or poster (more information
<br>Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
<br>Stefan Hamerling (Heinrich-Heine University Dsseldorf, Germany)
<br>Joanna Bryson (University of Bath, UK)
<br>Artificial Intelligence and Psychology
<br>Agniesczka Wykowska (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
<br>Astrid Rosenthal-von der Ptten (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
<br>Artificial Intelligence and Society
<br>Selma Sabanovic (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
<br>Eike Grf (iRights Lab, Germany)
<br>                Michael Decker (ITAS, Germany)
<br>Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy & Theology
<br>Benedikt Paul Gcke (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
<br>Andrew Pinsent (Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, United Kingdom)
<br>Gabr Ambrus (Centre of Theology, Philosophy and Media Theory, Czech
<br>Artificial Intelligence and Ethics and Law
<br>Susanne Beck (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
<br>David J. Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA)
<br>We invite researchers from all disciplines to actively take part in the
<br>conference. Hence, we open a call for abstracts in three formats:
<br>Poster session: Authors submit a poster abstract of up to 500 words outlining
<br>their work. Abstracts are subject to light blind peer-review. Submission
<br>deadline is July 31st. Presentation takes place during the poster session on
<br>Wednesday 14th.
<br>Short Talk - Empirical & Technical Track: Authors submit a talk abstract of up
<br>to 2.000 words (excluding references) presenting a technical advancement or an
<br>empirical study that is within the scope of the conference as outlined above.
<br>Submission deadline is the 31st of July. Abstracts are subject to blind
<br>peer-review. Acceptance depends on novelty and quality of the work and
<br>scientific rigor. Presentation takes place during the Short Talk sessions (10
<br>min talk + 5 min Q&A).
<br>Short Talk - Philosophy & Ethics Tracks: Authors from the fields philosophy,
<br>theology, or ethics submit a talk abstract of up to 1.000 words (excluding
<br>references) outlining their work. Abstracts are subject to blind peer-review.
<br>Acceptance depends on novelty and quality of the work. Presentation takes
<br>place during the Short Talk sessions (20 min talk + 10 min Q&A).
<br>Proceedings: Proceedings of the conference will be published in form of an
<br>edited book. Invited speakers will contribute a book chapter with overarching
<br>reviews covering their work and the state of the art in their field regarding
<br>the conference theme. Authors of accepted posters and short talks are invited
<br>to contribute to the proceedings by extending their abstracts.
<br>More Information:
<br>EASST's Eurograd mailing list
<br>Eurograd (at)
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