Message posted on 04/06/2018

EASST Lancaster Worskhop: A pop-up inventory of STS researchers’ roles and interventions

                Dear all
<br>The following Workshop is now open for pre-registration.
<br>To register, pls. follow the link:
<br>A pop-up inventory of STS researchers roles and interventions (Workshop
<br>Location: Bowland North Seminar Room 23
<br>Date and time: Thursday, 26 July, 2018, from 14.00
<br>  *   Judith Igelsbck (Technical University of Munich)
<br>  *   Denisa Kera (University of Salamanca, Marie Curie senior fellow)
<br>  *   Hannah Varga (HU Berlin)
<br>  *   Yutaka Yoshinaka (Technical University of  Denmark)
<br>  *   Jane Calvert (University of Edinburgh)
<br>Recent evocations of a 'collaborative turn' (Faras 2016) describe a growing
<br>community of STS researchers who choose 'impure entanglement' over
<br>'enlightened distance' (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017), and experiment with
<br>different forms of 'figuring together' (Suchman 2012) producing mutual
<br>learning and caring relations. Is this a repetition of old issues concerning
<br>nomothetic x idiosyncratic, objective x subjective, descriptive x emancipatory
<br>methods and agenda in social sciences? What can present engagements of STS
<br>with design, arts, etc., bring to STS and vice versa? Do we need to consider
<br>issues of reciprocity? And is this a typical inter/cross/trans/multi
<br>disciplinarity debate? No! STS took a long time to emancipate itself from
<br>philosophy of science, history of science, and even sociology to become this
<br>hybrid mess.
<br>This workshop takes current developments as occasion to discuss potential ways
<br>of re-configuring and re-inventing the roles and responsibilities of STS
<br>researchers, reflecting on the practices, the reasons and methods why people
<br>choose a particular role (e.g. the consultant) or play with a specific figure
<br>(such as the idiot or the partisan).
<br>This workshop consists of two parts. At the beginning of the conference,
<br>participants meet to share their experience and knowledge of the topic.
<br>Afterwards, workshop participants will use the conference as an empirical site
<br>to explore and collect prominent, persistent, hidden, forbidden, and desired
<br>forms of being an STS researcher and initiate a collective 'pop-up inventory'
<br>at the conference venue.
<br>We plan for a workshop consisting of ca. 7-12 participants.  Thank you.
<br>Pre-registration via here:
<br>Yutaka Yoshinaka
<br>Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
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