Message posted on 01/06/2018

2 post-doc + 2 PhD positions at MCTS/TU Munich as part of the EU H2020 Project SCALINGS

                Dear colleagues,
<br>The Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) at Technical University of Munich is inviting applications for up to four limited-term researcher positions at TU Munich as part of the EU Horizon2020 project “Scaling Up Co-creation: Avenues and Limits for Integrating Society in Science and Innovation” (SCALINGS), to be filled immediately.
<br>2 PhD positions (TV-L E13, 65%, 3 years, fixed term)
<br>in STS with a concentration in urban energy systems, robotics, or autonomous vehicles.
<br>2 post-doctoral positions (TV-L E13, 100%, 2+1 years, fixed term)
<br>in STS, policy studies, innovation studies, or related fields with a concentration in urban energy systems, robotics, or autonomous vehicles.
<br>A detailed description of the positions is attached. Pleas feel free to share widely. The application deadline is July 1, 2018. Earlier applications will be considered immediately. All application materials should be sent to, mentioning the title of the position in the subject line.
<br>Best regards,
<br>Sebastian Pfotenhauer
<br>Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Pfotenhauer
<br>Assistant Professor of Innovation Research
<br>Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS)
<br>TUM School of Management
<br>Technische Universität München
<br>Augustenstr. 46, Room #456
<br>80333 München, Germany
<br>office: +49 89.289.29222
<br>mobile: +49 17.3344.1148
<br>Innovation, Society, and Public Policy Group
<br>Coordinator, EU H2020 Consortium  SCALINGS
<br>Recently published:
<br>·  Pfotenhauer, S.M., Juhl, J., Aarden, E. “A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the ‘Innovation Imperative’ and the ‘Deficit Model of Innovation’” forthcoming, Research Policy (2018).
<br>·  Pfotenhauer, S.M. and Jasanoff, S. “Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the “MIT model” in three political cultures,” Social Studies of Science (2017).
<br>·  Hird, M. and Pfotenhauer, S.,M. “How complex international partnerships shape domestic research clusters: Difference-in-difference network formation and research re-orientation in the MIT-Portugal Program.” Research Policy (2017).
<br>·  Pfotenhauer, S.M. and Jasanoff, S. “Traveling imaginaries: The ‘practice turn’ in Innovation Policy and the global circulation of innovation models,” in: Tyfield, D. et al., The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science (2017).
<br>·  Pfotenhauer, S.M., Juhl, J. “Innovation and the political state: Beyond the facilitation of technologies and markets,” in: Godin, B., Vinck, D. (Eds.), Critical Studies of Innovation: Alternative Approaches to the pro-Innovation Bias (2017).
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of SCALINGS Job Postings.pdf]
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