Message posted on 09/05/2018

Medicine Anthropology Theory journal seeking submissions - Think pieces

                S​ubmit your Think piece to MAT!​
<br>*MAT* is seeking short pieces (up to 4,000 words) that reflect ‘upstream’
<br>thinking in medical anthropology.
<br>These may be essays, theoretical forays, instigations, and experimental
<br>texts. They may be interdisciplinary and stylistically unconventional:
<br>tentative, unfinished, polemical, exploratory. No matter their form or
<br>content, think pieces should be written in language that is accessible,
<br>fresh, and compelling.
<br>The purpose of the section is to provoke debate, challenge assumptions, and
<br>contribute to decentering and deprovincializing medical anthropology and
<br>More information about submissions here:
<br>Tanja Ahlin
<br>​MAT Social Media Coordinator​
<br>University of Amsterdam, AISSR
<br>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of MAT call for think pieces-May2018.pdf]
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