About the journal
In response to the steady growth of our field, EASST is proud to support a flagship open access journal for the whole STS community, which is independent of commercial publishing houses, without article processing charges, meaning that the journal is free to publish at every stage. The journal publishes four issues per year: in February, May, September and December. The journal impact factor is 2.9 (2020).
Science & Technology Studies is the official journal of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Finnish Association for Science and Technology Studies. The journal is a development of Science Studies, which has a history of internationally peer-reviewed publications since 1988. Find the history of the journal on the S&TS website and follow the journal on twitter.
EASST members will be emailed when a new issue is available with its contents and access details. If you do not receive this email please contact office(at)easst.nomadit.net.
We invite prospective authors to submit their work to S&TS. Notes for authors can be found journal’s dedicated website.
Current Journal Content
- by Lukas Griessl
- by Conor Douglas
- by Julien Larregue, Sylvain LavauThis article explores the uses of evolutionary psychology in a corpus of 29 articles published by the online magazine Quillette. We show that while they openly rely on a rationalist, descriptive stance, Quillette contributors actively promote a range of normative views on science and the social world, including gender inequalities, with the stated goal to […]
- by Manuela Fernández PintoThe paper presents an epistemological argument on the crisis in medical knowledge today, first identifying a fundamental problem of the crisis, i.e., the epistemic gap, and then introducing the concept of pragmatic progress as a tool for understanding what is needed for pharmaceutical research to solve pressing epistemic and public health problems. This (new) analysis […]
- by Claudia Egher, Olga ZvonarevaInitiatives to increase patient engagement in drug development have recently been accompanied by growing calls for standardisation due to considerable uncertainties about how to best perform patient engagement and use it in drug marketing applications. We focus on materials developed by the Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD), a multi-stakeholder group founded in 2015, to investigate […]