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International Societies

National STS Associations

Research Centres


Interactive STS Communication

International Teaching Programmes

International Societies

4S – Society for the Social Studies of Science.4s
The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) was founded in 1975 and now has an international membership of over
1200. Its main purpose is to bring together those interested in understanding science, technology, and medicine,
including the way they develop and interact with their social contexts.

British Society for the Philosophy of Science
The purpose of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy
of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences.

European Philosophy of Science Associationepsa
The general aim of the EPSA is to promote and advance philosophy of science in Europe. It was established in 2007 to
bring together professional philosophers of science and students from the whole of Europe (and the rest of the world)
and foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among them.

History of Philosophy of Sciencehopos
HOPOS, The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, is devoted to promoting serious, scholarly
research on the history of the philosophy of science. It aims to promote historical work in a variety of ways, but
especially through encouraging exchange among scholars through meetings, publications, and electronic media.

History of Science Societyhss
The History of Science Society is dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with
society in historical context. Over 3,000 individual and institutional members across the world support the Society’s
mission to foster interest in the history of science and its social and cultural relations.

International Committee for the History of

ICOHTEC was founded in 1968 to provide a forum of scholars for the history of technology from both sides of the ‚iron
curtain‘. It was constituted as a Scientific Section within the Division of the History of Science and Technology of the
International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS/DHST).

d’Anthropologie des Connaissances

The Société d’Anthropologie des Connaissances was founded in 2006 to stimulate multidisciplinary investigations on
practices and forms of knowledge, professions, organizations and institutions, techniques and circulation and to promote
the development of joint research in a wide variety of social and human sciences.

Society for the History of
Technology (SHOT)Society for the history of techonology

SHOT was formed in 1958 to encourage the study of the development of technology and its relations with society and
culture. It is concerned not only with the history of technological devices and processes but also with technology in

Society for Philosophy and Technology
The Society for Philosophy and Technology is an independent international organization that encourages, supports and
facilitates philosophically significant considerations of technology. Founded in 1976, SPT maintains an association with
the American Philosophical Association.

Society for the Promotion of S&T Studies Soc Promo
The primary objective of the Society is to promote research in the broad field of science technology and society (STS)
studies in the developing countries of Asia, Latin Americas and Africa through the publication of an academic journal
under the title Science, Technology and Society (an international journal devoted to the developing world).

National STS Associations

STS Austria wrmc
STS Austria is the Austrian Association for Science and Technology Studies. Established in 2015, STS Austria represents
academics and researchers active in this field in Austria.
STS in BelgiumBSTS
The Belgium Science Technology and Society (STS) Network is a scientific research network financed by the Fund for
Scientific Research Flanders. The research community coordinates and stimulates national and international cooperation
in STS and sociological research.

Danish Association for Science and Technology StudiesDAST
DASTS is a professional association for STS in Denmark which aims to stimulate the quality, breadth and cooperation
within the Danish STS research and to raise its profile in national and international contexts.

Italian Society for Science and Technology Studies
STS Italia was founded in 2005 to build up an Italian network of researchers oriented to study Science and Technology
starting from the social dynamics which characterize and interweave science and technology themselves.

Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science,
Technology and Modern Culturewrmc

WTMC is a collective effort of Dutch scholars studying the development of science, technology and modern culture. The
history, sociology and philosophy of science and technology – Science and Technology Studies (STS) – form the core of
its work, but there are also strong inputs from cultural studies and innovation studies. The School aims to stimulate
and coordinate high quality research in the field of STS; provide high quality advanced training for PhD candidates in
STS, and thus to create new generations of scholars with a solid background in this field; and enhance the societal
significance and visibility of STS.

Thematic Section on
Knowledge, Science and Technology, APS, Portugal
The Thematic Section Knowledge Science and Technology was established in 2010 under APS Portuguese Sociological
Association. It aims to establish a privileged meeting place for reflection among sociologists and other scholars
interested in issues of science and technology, steered by principles of openness to diverse theoretical and
methodological approaches, dialogue with other sections of APS and exchange with other disciplinary areas at the
national and international level.

STS-CH is the Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology and Society (STS) and member of the Swiss Academy
of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The primary purpose of STS-CH is to advance research, teaching and outreach in
the academic field of Science & Technology Studies (STS) in Switzerland.

STS Turkey logoSTS

STS TURKEY is the Turkish Scholarly Network for Science and Technology Studies. The network is founded in 2017 as a
platform to build up a Turkishnetwork among researchers with interests in the study of science, technology and medicine
in Turkish society.

AsSIST-UK: UK Association for Studies in Innovation,
Science and Technology

AsSIST-UK is the UK association for scholars, including early career researchers and doctoral researchers, working in
the broad fields of science, technology and innovation studies.

Research Centres

Centre for Global Science and Epistemic Justice

The centre serves as a hub for transdisciplinary and international collaboration on major research programmes, promoting
accountable science, expanding public engagement potential, and enabling inclusive policy debates. The intellectual
agenda is two-fold: 1) to understand how emerging science and technology perpetuate and reshape value paradigms and vice
versa and, 2) to investigate how inclusive and socially-sustainable production and application of knowledge can be
promoted in a global yet ideologically fragmented world.

Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster

Promotes interdisciplinary research across the boundaries of science, technology, and public policy. Our research
problematises the construction of scientific knowledge and expert authority. We take diverse approaches including
feminist STS, actor-network theory (and after), cultural analyses of science, anthropological and postcolonial
technoscience studies.

Consortium for Science Policy and Outcomescspo
The Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes is an intellectual network aimed at enhancing the contribution of
science and technology to society’s pursuit of equality, justice, freedom, and overall quality of life. The Consortium
creates knowledge and methods, cultivates public discourse, and fosters policies to help decision makers and
institutions grapple with the immense power and importance of science and technology as society charts a course for the

Centre for the Study of Invention & Social
Process, Goldsmiths, University of London

CSISP is an active interdisciplinary research centre based in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths. CSISP hosts
events, research, and projects that examine the role of ‘invention’ and cognate terms (‘innovation’, ‘creativity’,
‘expectation’) in relation to contemporary dynamics in an array of substantive areas (HIV/AIDS, energy, design,
information technology).

Department of Science and Technology Studies,
University of Vienna, Austria
The Department of Science and Technology Studies is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna.
Our research focuses on science and technology cultures, science/society communication and interactions, and on the
governance of technoscience and society. The focus of much of our research is comparative, and we aim at developing new
qualitative methods for STS research. We offer a research-oriented STS master and PhD programme.

Technologies in Practice Research Group, IT University of
Copenhagen ITU

The Technologies in Practice Research group hosts researchers working with IT in different empirical domains, from
public management and governance to innovation in private enterprises and public-private partnerships. We combine a
range of scholarly disciplines, including Science and Technology Studies (STS), Computer Supported Collaborative Work
(CSCW), Anthropology, Sociology, Human Computer Interaction and Philosophy.

The Loka InstituteThe Loka Institute’s vision is to
kindle a vibrant popular movement for community-driven policies in research, science, and technology
that will advance democracy, social justice, and ecological sustainability at every level – from neighbourhoods to

The Centre for the Study of Technology
and Organisation (CSTO)hyle

Promotes interdisciplinary research that can be located at the intersection between management, information systems,
science and technology studies, organisation studies and work place studies. We draw upon a variety of “lenses” but are
primarily informed by Philosophy, Sociology, Information Systems, Organisational Theory and Political Science. Research
is conducted in a diverse range of domains, including public sector, health care, non-governmental organisations, the
environment, financial sector and engineering. Research is conducted in both the global north and the global south.


tecnoscienzaTecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies
is a biannual, free, open-access, online, peer-reviewed journal existing since 2010. It publishes
articles, in Italian and in English focusing on the relationships between science, technology and society. The journal
is managed by an Editorial Board with the support of an International Advisory Board and International Correspondents.

Hyle: International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistryhyle
HYLE is a peer reviewed international journal dedicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry. Articles
deal with epistemological, methodological, foundational, and ontological problems of chemistry and its subfields; the
peculiarities of chemistry and relations to technology, other scientific and non-scientific fields; aesthetical,
ethical, and environmental matters in chemistry; as well as philosophically relevant facets of the history, sociology,
linguistics, and education of chemistry.

RAC – Revue
d’Anthropologie des Connaissaces
The RAC – Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances is a peer reviewed international journal, published in French
with introductory articles and abstracts in English and Spanish. The RAC is dedicated to the publication
of multidisciplinary investigations on practices, forms, techniques, organizations, institutions and circulation of
knowledge. It publish theoretical and empirical results from a wide variety of social and human sciences.

Science as CultureScience and Culture
Our culture is a scientific one, defining what is natural and what is rational. Its values can be seen in what are
sought out as facts and made as artefacts, what are designed as processes and products, and what are forged as weapons
and filmed as wonders. In our daily experience, power is exercised through expertise, e.g. in science, technology and
medicine. Science as Culture explores how all these shape the values which contend for influence over the wider society.

Technology and Society

Science, Technology & Society enhances our understanding of the way in which advances in science and
technology influence society and vice versa. Launched in 1996, it is the first truly international journal devoted to
the developing world and published from the region.

Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science Science and Culture

Spontaneous Generations is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal established to provide a platform for
interdisciplinary discussion and debate about issues that concern the community of scholars in the history and
philosophy of science and related fields. A unique feature of the journal is a Focused Discussion section consisting of
short peer-reviewed and invited articles devoted to a particular theme that alternates every issue. The journal also
publishes original peer-reviewed research papers, opinions pieces and book-reviews.

International Teaching Programmes

European Studies of Science, Technology and Societyesst
The European programme on Society, Science and Technology (ESST) provides the knowledge and skills necessary to
understand and manage complex issues of modern innovations, such as sustainable energy technologies; stem cell research;
nanotechnology; and social networking. The general assumption is that innovation is ruled by economics. However,
innovation cannot be captured by economics alone. Likewise, science and technology are not the only drivers of our
societies. This Master programme approaches them from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: (innovation studies,
sociology, philosophy and cultural studies, political science, etc.).

Interactive STS Communication

EASST-EUROGRAD is a mailing list intended to facilitate a European network of scholars of all levels in the broad field
of Science and Technology Studies. The list serves to announce scholarly events, calls, job openings and the like.

Science and Technology Studies (STS) examines the influence of society on science and technology, and the influence of
science and technology on society. STS Wiki is an experiment in the public production of free, open-source
knowledge concerning STS. Our mission is simple: To make STS knowledge, perspectives, and resources available for
free, worldwide.