Eurograd message

Message posted on 28/08/2024

Call for Abstracts "AI, Gender and the Future of Work", ISA Forum, Rabat

Dear colleagues,

We hereby invite you to submit your abstracts to our upcoming session on "AI, Gender and the Future of Work", as part of the WG10 Digital Sociology (host committee), at the 5th ISA Forum of Sociology next year (July 6th-11th, 2025) in Rabat, Morocco.

Artificial intelligence has become increasingly important in the world of work in recent years. While there has been an intense public debate about the opportunities and risks for several years now, the hype surrounding ChatGPT has also led to a dynamic everyday use of AI. At the same time, hidden AI applications have been used in the world of work for some time without users being aware of it. Furthermore, first research as well as news media reports showed that AI has or could have various gender-relevant effects. In addition to the problematization of obvious discriminatory effects (e.g. bias in automated translations or recruiting applications), automation risks and the anticipated different impact on male and female professions, as well as the male-dominated work cultures, the "diversity crisis" in development teams, and sexism in the tech industry were discussed. Both work and technology are deeply shaped by historically evolved gendered inequalities. The question of what significance technological change has for the stabilization or destabilization of gender inequalities is therefore anything but new. However, new technologies always offer opportunities to renegotiate power and gender relations and to shape working conditions. The question of how gender inequality in the world of work will change with AI is still open. This session will present current research on AI, gender, intersectional aspects, and the future of work. Papers on empirical findings, theoretical and conceptual considerations as well as methodological aspects are welcome.

Please upload your abstracts until October 15th, 2024 online via the following link: nary/Session19774.html

Looking forward to receiving your submissions!

Tanja Carstensen, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany tanja.carstensen@hsw.tu-che

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