Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/01/2025

Call for Registration - Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2025) - March 24 to 26, 2025

                Dear colleagues,

The deadline for registration for the Fifth International Conference of the
German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2025) in Erlangen has been
extended until February 16st, 2025. We invite you to register via the
conference website:

The GWP, founded in 2011, aims to promote the integration of philosophers of
science and academics interested in philosophy of science in Germany and
beyond. Every three years, the GWP organizes an international conference to
advance the field on local and international levels.
The GWP.2025 conference will take place from March 24 to 26, 2025, at FAU
Erlangen-Nrnberg and is hosted by the FAU Kompetenzzentrum fr
interdisziplinre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS) and co-hosted by the Institut
fr Philosophie. The conference will comprise six symposia and around 130
submitted talks in numerous sections ranging from General Philosophy of
Science, Philosophy of Medicine, AI, Physics and Biology to Science and
Society, Science and Values and History of Science and many more.
In addition, there will be six plenary lectures by:

  *   Kevin Elliott (Michigan State),
  *   Roman Frigg (London),
  *   Andreas Httemann (Cologne),
  *   Lina Jansson (Nottingham),
  *   Sabina Leonelli (Munich) and
  *   Naomi Oreskes (Harvard).
The detailed program is available at:
Please feel free to contact the local organizers if you need further
All the best,


Dr. Sebastian Schuol
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
FAU Kompetenzzentrum fr interdisziplinre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg
Bismarckstr. 12
D-91054 Erlangen
Tel.: +49-9131-85-22503
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