Sarah Maria Schönbauer was a microbiologist before starting her PhD at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna. After completing the postgraduate program ‘Sociology of Social Practices’ at the Institute for Higher Studies, Vienna, and fieldwork in Austria and the US in life science laboratories, she was granted a Dissertation Completion Fellowship of the University of Vienna. Following that, she became a researcher and lecturer at the Munich Center for Technology in Society, TU Munich. In her work, she has been concerned with subjectification practices of life scientists, their identity work, and more generally with academic knowledge cultures in transition.
Rosalind Attenborough is a PhD candidate in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. Her research investigates contemporary meanings of “open” in science, drawing on historical context, policy documents, and primarily, interviews with biological scientists. She has a previous disciplinary identity as a biologist and has worked for PLOS, an open access scientific publisher.