Karen S. Baker (karensbaker@gmail.com / University of Oulu, FIN – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA) /orcid.org/0000-0003-3037-6247) is an information scientist with a PhD from the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. With interdisciplinary teams, she investigates scientific data infrastructures. Her research interests include data ecosystems with a focus on data practices, data concepts, and participatory design. Her research explores and contributes to the design of information environments that facilitate collaborative data work and collective learning.|Andrea Botero (andrea.botero@iki.fi / University of Oulu – Aalto University, FIN / https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1719-1061) is a designer with a Doctor of Arts in New Media from Aalto University. She is interested in the possibilities, and contradictions when participating in the creation of environments, infrastructures and media that afford more relational and caring interactions amongst, and between people and their environment. In particular she studies how the design of communication and information technologies shapes the social outcomes, practices and horizons of possibilities of communities and collectives.|Hanne Cecilie Geirbo (hannece@oslomet.no / Oslo Metropolitan University – University of Oslo, NO) is a social anthropologist with a PhD from the Department of informatics, University of Oslo. She is interested in the interplay between the development of infrastructure and the development of society. She is exploring flexibility as a principle for developing sustainable infrastructures in urban settings as well as in the context of rural electrification in low-income countries.|Helena Karasti (thkarasti@gmail.com / University of Oulu, FIN – University of Siegen, DE / https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3889-7031) is an interdisciplinary scholar who has worked to integrate her formal background in information systems design with her long-term interest in practice studies in social sciences. For her, an infrastructure studies’ meet-up with Participatory Design turned into ‘infrastructuring’. Fascinated by long-term thinking in environmental research, she has been engaging and studying with the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) networks since early 2000s. Most recently, this has meant inquiring, inverting, intervening and inventing with the formation of research infrastructures.|Sanna Marttila (sanna.marttila@gmail.com, IT University of Copenhagen) has a Doctor of Arts degree from Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture. She works in the field of interaction design and carries out design research projects in real-world settings, applying participatory design, co-design, and open design methodologies. Her recent research focuses on designing meaningful public access to the vast digital archives that exists in public memory institutions. As a designer Sanna’s interest includes open and collaborative media design, design of digital public services, and creative appropriation of digital cultural heritage materials.|Elena Parmiggiani (parmiggi@ntnu.no / University of Oulu, FIN – Norwegian University of Technology, NTNU, NO) has a PhD in Information Systems from NTNU (2015). She is interested in studying the sociotechnical challenges of implementing, integrating, and maintaining digital platforms and information infrastructures, and in the methodological stakes of studying distributed and long-term arrangements. She relies on an interdisciplinary lens and her work is published in Science and Technology Studies, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Information Systems. Empirically, she has primarily focused on environmental monitoring and the oil industry.|Joanna Saad-Sulonen (jsaa@itu.dk / University of Oulu, FIN – IT University of Copenhagen, DK). Joanna has a background in architecture, urban planning, and digital media and design. Her work in situated in the field of Participatory Design, with contributions to HCI, computer supported collaborative work, and communities and technologies. Her doctoral work looked at how participation in urban planning and in the design of information technologies can be combined. She has later focused on how self-organised urban communities engage in the design of their digital artifact ecologies, as well as on the infrastructuring of research infrastructures to support scientific communities.