Joke Kenens, Michiel van Oudheusden, Gert Verschraegen, Ine Van Hoyweghen

Joke Kenens is a PhD student at the Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO) at the KU Leuven and the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN. Her PhD research is entitled ‘Probing the potential of citizen science in the governance of nuclear incidents, accidents, and post-disaster situations’. She holds a MA degree in Japanese Studies (KU Leuven). (|Michiel van Oudheusden researches how science, technology, and innovation are governed through science policies and forms of public engagement. As an embedded sociologist at the Belgian Nuclear Research Center SCK•CEN, he regularly reaches out to policymakers, scientists, members of civil society, and publics with a view towards inciting responsible research and innovation in the nuclear field. He is a cofounder and co-coordinator of the FWO-funded Belgian Science, Technology and Society network (BSTS) and a research associate at KU Leuven. (|Gert Verschraegen is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Antwerp. His research interests are in science and technology studies, social theory and cultural sociology. He is co-chair of the Belgian Science, Technology & Society (B.STS) Network. (|Ine Van Hoyweghen is Professor at the Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO) at KU Leuven where she directs the Life Sciences & Society Lab. Her research interests are in sociology of biomedicine, science and technology studies and sociology of health care markets. She is the PI of the project ‘Postgenomic Solidarity. European Life Insurance in the Era of Personalised Medicine’, for which she received an Odysseus grant from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).  She is the founding chair of the Belgian Science, Technology & Society (B.STS) Network. (