Carmen Romero-Bachiller, Amparo Lasén

Carmen Romero-Bachiller (UCM) is Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology: Methods and Theory, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her main research interests are bodies and practices as products of relational materiality, considering vulnerabilities and privileges from a STS/feminist and queer intersectional perspective. She is currently working on health activism reconstructions of biomedical knowledge and practices in human breast milk donation and in problems during the breastfeeding process such as mastitis.|Amparo Lasen (UCM) is tenured professor at Complutense University in Madrid. PhD in Sociology at La Sorbonne-Paris V, has being researcher at the Centre d’Études de l’Actuel et du Quotidien (Paris V-La Sorbonne), lLondon School of Economics and Political Science and at the Digital World Research Centre, Surrey University (UK). Her main research topics are social implications of new technologies in affects and subjectivities constructions, as well as, study of youth cultures and practices, from a feminism perspective.|