Andreas Wagenknecht, Astrid Wiedmann, Katherin Wagenknecht, Philipp Goll

Andreas Wagenknecht, M.A., research assistant at the DFG-graduate college Locating Media, University of Siegen, holding a B.A. degree in cultural studies (University of Leipzig) and MA degree in sociology (Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.), since 11/2015 PhD research on issues of disability and technology in the field of assisted communication and visual impairments, ethnographic research with emphasis on micro-sociological theory and qualitative methods.|Astrid Wiedmann M.A., PhD candidate in the field of Media Studies supervised by Prof. Dr. Erhard Schüttpelz at the graduate school Locating Media at the University of Siegen, Germany. Her work combines ethnographic research with Media Studies and STS. Her research focuses on development cooperation and is based on an ethnographic research in Uganda. She studies the manifold realizations of cooperative practices and the role of media within.|Katherin Wagenknecht, M.A, research assistant at the BMBF association “The flow of things or private property?” at the University of Münster, Seminar for Folklore Studies/European Ethnology, she studied cultural studies, sociology and urban studies (Leipzig, ELTE Budapest, Darmstadt), and doing her PhD research on single-family homes as a popular social ontology and a current task for municipal planning.|Philipp Goll, M.A., research assistant at the DFG-graduate college Locating Media, University of Siegen. He studied Literary Cultural and Media Studies (Siegen) and Slawistics/European Ethnology (Berlin and Frankfurt/Oder). In his PhD he researches dissident literary practices in Western Germany in the 1970s.