EASST Review: Volume 43(1) July 2024

Riot police on the campus of the University of Amsterdam after breaking up a student protest on 21 June. Credits: Folia / Toon Meijerink

Contributors: EASST Review editorial team, EASST council, Isabel Fletcher, Britta Acksel, Jonna Josties, Maxime Le Calvé, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, Michiel van Oudheusden, Evelien de Hoop, Lee Towers, Willemine Willems, Keje Boersma, Jaron Harambam, Tessa Roedema, Esther de Weger, Anne Beaulieu, Efe Cengiz, Raul Cordero Carrasco, Selen Eren, Sarah Feron, Matilde Ficozzi, , Carol Garzon Lopez, Stephanie Hobbis, Ruth Howison, Clarisse Kraamwinkel, Maarten Loonen, Marije Miedema, Dario Rodighiero, Tanja Bogusz, Ramona Haegele, & Laura Otto

EASST Review: Volume 42(2) December 2023

A screenshot from the videoperformance Microbimpro dancing. Author: Oona Leinovirtanen

Many thanks for all the contributions over the last years: the EASST Review is really made by our STS community and every time I have been positively surprised by the variety of perspectives brought together in our issues. Also in this edition you will find engagend and critical contributions, continuing our reflections on Research Cultures; paying tribute to Evelyn-Fox Keller; presenting groups in Exeter and Helsinki; and discussing workshops that took place in the past year. We are also presenting a preview of the 2024 EASST-4S conference to which we all look forward!

EASST Review: Volume 41(1) April 2022

Editorial PDF Remembering Thank you to the outgoing EASST President STS Live STS Multiple Cherish, not Perish Translations News from the Council STS Events PDF