Doing marine worlds: Marine STSing through Germany and beyond

The sea – A matter of concern for science and technology studies When we think of the sea and marine worlds, we often conjure up a variety of images, emotions, and associations. The sea has long captured the imagination of poets and writers, given its vastness and majesty and how it teems with diverse forms […]
STS Multiple
Bringing (digital) infrastructures (back) to life: an STS Austria workshop report
by Erik Aarden, Nikolaus Poechhacker
Skills, (Career) Trajectories, and Stories: The “Living Books” – Workshop
by Helene Sorgner
Building academic living spaces from heterogeneous networks: the story of STS Austria
by Helene Sorgner, Nikolaus Poechhacker
Care & Preparedness in the Network Society
by Israel Rodríguez-Giralt, Daniel López Gómez
The Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group (STS-b)
by Miquel Domènech, Francisco Tirado
Data sprints and coding retreats
by Anders Kristian Munk
The digital minced meat
by Anders Kristian Munk
STS Helsinki – Our current Activities
by Heta Tarkkala, Aaro Tupasela, Salla Sariola