by EASST Review editorial team
EASST Review Editorial
by Niki Vermeulen, Sarah Maria Schönbauer, Jose A. Cañada, James Besse.
EASST 2022: looking forward from yesterday
by Vincenzo Pavone
Neutrinos, Jet Fuel, Endings and Beginnings
by James Besse, Niki Vermeulen, Sarah Schönbauer, Vincenzo Pavone
The EASST Review has COVID-19
by Niki Vermeulen, Sarah Maria Schönbauer, Vincenzo Pavone
Neither one nor two: presenting our new editorial team
by Ignacio Farías
Parting words, returning things
by Niki Vermeulen, Sarah M. Schönbauer, Vincenzo Pavone
STS as participant in policy worlds
by Michaela Spencer
Changed but Undescribed? What STS Could Say on the Research Practices of Social Sciences
by Andrei Kuznetsov
Sites of intervention: Getting down and dirty
What is a conference for? We asked that question more than once when, as the Local Organizing Committee, we came together to plan for the 20th EASST conference that took place in July at Lancaster University. We met in a space away from the University campus where we imagined EASST 2018 as crafting, discussing and […]