Hello there. If you are interested in contributing to EASST Review, we have a rolling deadline, and any submission will go into the next issue. We usually publish two issues a year (June and November). The cut for proposals for any given issue is usually two months earlier (April for the June issue and September for the November issue). All contributions undergo a review by the editorial team and proofreading by editorial assistants.
We might occasionally organize special thematic calls. Please follow us on social media for more information and updates:
Contact us at review@easst.net to discuss your contribution proposal or to send your text.
Submissions should be 2000 words long (not including references) and include:
- Title
- At least one picture
- List of authors
- Author, short bio (100 words), and photograph
We can sometimes publish pieces longer than 2000 words, but please contact the editorial team before submission to discuss the length of your contribution.
EASST review uses Harvard as its reference style. Please include DOI identifiers when available. More instructions on referencing style: https://subjectguides.york.ac.uk/referencing-style-guides/harvard