Michela Cozza is Associate Professor at the Department of Organization and Management, Mälardalen University (Sweden), and an elected member of the EASST Council (2021-2024). She has recently published the book Key Concepts in Science and Technology Studies (2021, Studentlitteratur), and in her current research work, she explores and problematises the relationships between age, ageing and later life, and welfare technologies. She is interested in arts-based methods and post-qualitative inquiry. Twitter: @MichelaCozza|Nina Klimburg-Witjes is a post-doctoral researcher at the STS Department, University of Vienna, and an elected member of the EASST council. Her research focuses on infrastructures and imaginaries of outer space, and on the politics and practices of in/security. She recently co-edited Sensing In/Security: Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures (with Geoffrey Bowker and Nikolaus Poechhacker, Mattering Press 2021). Her current book project explores space infrastructures and visions of European integration in outer space.|Sally Wyatt is Professor of Digital Cultures at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. She was President of EASST between 2000-2004 (York and Paris conferences). Together with Anna Harris and Susan Kelly, she is co-author of CyberGenetics, Health Genetics and New Media (Routledge, 2016). The conclusion includes three speculative futures about genetic testing, using the future-oriented discourses of genetic testing companies to explore alternative futures about the role of genetic testing. Twitter @wyatt_sally