Nina Amelung, Cristiano Gianolla, Joana Sousa Ribeiro, Sílvia Leiria Viegas, Bruno Magalhaes

Nina Amelung is post-doctoral researcher within the ERC-project EXCHANGE on forensic geneticists and the transnational exchange of DNA data in the EU. She has worked on public controversies, public involvement and democratic challenges of cross-border biometric data-exchange in the context of crime and migration control infrastructures. She is especially interested in the reflection on emergent publics and participatory devices for non- or contained publics.|Cristiano Gianolla is researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, Portugal where he integrated the ALICE Project (ERC). He currently integrates the ECHOES project (Horizon 2020). His main fields of expertise are democratic theories and their intersections with the metaphorical South, intercultural dialogue, cosmopolitanism, post-colonialism and global justice. He authored two books and a number of scientific articles.|Bruno Magalhães holds a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the Open University/UK. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Project Follow at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science research (AISSR) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and a postdoctoral fellow at the International Relations Institute of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI, PUC-Rio). He is co-coordinator of the IRI Methods Laboratory. His research connects the study of bordering practices with an interest in methodologies that attend to contingent, decentered and heterogeneous manners in which welcome and unwelcome subjects are set apart.|Joana Sousa Ribeiro is a researcher at Centre for Social Studies (NHUMEP Research Group- Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Research) and a PhD student at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra. Her PhD thesis is about the de-skilling and re-skilling process of migrants in the healthcare sector. Her main research interests include socio-professional mobility of migrants and refugees, longitudinal studies, intercultural studies and citizenship. She co-cordinates an IMISCOE research network group – YAMEC Network – that focuses on issues of mobility of young adults and the economic crisis.|Sílvia Leiria Viegas concluded a PhD thesis titled Luanda, (un)Predictable City? Government and urban and housing transformation: Paradigms of intervention and resistances in the new millennium (FA-UL, 2015). Currently Sílvia is an FCT scholarship holder and a postdoctoral researcher with the CES-UC whilst being a member of GESTUAL-fa. Her research project, entitled INSE(h)RE 21, focuses on the socio-spatial inclusion of refugees in today’s Europe having as reference the reception of the African diaspora in Portugal.||||