Dr. Mette Simonsen Abildgaard is a cultural analyst working within Cultural Studies, Sound Studies and STS. She focuses on the historical socio-material significance of communication technologies in everyday life, and is supported in her current work by a research grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research. She is a Postdoc in the Techno-Anthropology group at the University of Aalborg in Copenhagen and a member of the TANT-Lab executive committee. http://personprofil.aau.dk/136298|Andreas Birkbak is an Assistant Professor in the Techno-Anthropology Research Group at Aalborg University (AAU) in Copenhagen. His research is on technologies in/of democracy, public engagement, and (digital) media. He holds a PhD in Science and Technology Studies (AAU), an MSc in Social Science of the Internet (Oxford), and a BSc+MSc in Sociology (Uni. of Copenhagen).|Torben Elgaard Jensen is professor in Techno-Anthropology and STS Aalborg University. He is heading the Techno-Anthropology Research Group. With inspiration from STS he has a broad interest in innovation and knowledge construction practices. His recent work focuses on user-driven innovation and the transformative effects of using digital methods in STS. He is the co-editor of ‘The New Production of User: Changing innovation collectives and involvement strategies’ (Routledge 2016, with Sampsa Hyysalo and Nelly Oudshoorn).|Anders Koed Madsen is associate professor in Techno-Anthropology and member of the TANT-Lab executive committee. His research is among other things concerned with digital methods, the re-organization of public engagement in contemporary media environments and the use of new forms of data to guide organizational decision making. He holds a PhD in Organization Studies (CBS), an MSc in Communication & New Media Studies (University of Illinios at Chicago), and BSc in Philosophy and Political Science (Uni. of Copenhagen).|Anders Kristian Munk is associate professor in Techno-Anthropology and director of the TANT-Lab. His research interests include controversy analysis and controversy mapping, digital methods in ethnographic contexts, and the interface between democracy and expertise. He holds a D.Phil. in geography from the University of Oxford and has worked as a visiting research fellow at the SciencesPo médialab.