Sabine Maasen is an STS scholar, trained in sociology, psychology, and linguistics. Since 2014, she holds a chair in sociology of science and is head of the MCTS at TU Munich, Germany. Her research focuses on the ways in which emerging technologies such as social robotics or neurotechnologies cha(lle)nge selves and societies (TechnoSelves, TechnoSociety) as well as doing research (collaborative research, entrepreneurial universities, science management). She is member of numerous Scientific Boards and Councils.|Karin Zachmann heads the subject area history of technology. She and her team are currently involved in two research compounds. The language of biofacts: semiotics and materiality of high-tech plants deals with the relationship of technicality and naturalness in modern agriculture. Practicing evidence- evidencing practice explores practices of evidence in science, technology and medicine.|Wolfgang Pietsch is a philosopher of science and technology with a background in physics. His main research interest is scientific method focusing on fundamental concepts like causation, analogy, or probability. He is deputy chairman of the working group on philosophy of physics of the German Physical Society and was a Poiesis Fellow at the Institute for Public Knowledge of New York University.|Ignacio Farías is Assistant Professor for Particpatory Technology Design at the MCTS and the Department of Architecture, where he heads the research group ‘Infrastructure and Participation’. His research explores socio-technical arrangements and epistemic practices of both experts and publics who, by rendering the urban environment into an object of knowledge, design and intervention, perform the city in specific ways.|Ruth Müller is Assistant Professor ot Science and Technology Policy at the MCTS and the School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan and head of the research group “Research Policy and Knowledge Cultures.” She holds degrees in Molecular Biology (MSc) and Science & Technology Studies (PhD). Her research explores the nexus of science, technology & policy with a focus on the effects of research governance on knowledge production and the sociology and epistemology of the life sciences.|Sebastian Pfotenhauer is an Assistant Professor at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) and the TUM School of Management at Technical University Munich. At MCTS, he heads the research group Innovation, Society and Public Policy. His research interests include regional innovation cultures as well as science and technology in international settings. He previously was a research scientist and lecturer with the MIT Technology & Policy Program and a Fellow at the Harvard Program on Science, Technology, and Society.|Uli Meyer heads the Post/Doc-Lab Reorganizing Industries at the MCTS. He is interested in in bringing together ideas from STS, innovation studies and organization studies. His current research focuses on the dynamic of socio-technical futures like “Industrie 4.0” in Germany, the impact of engineer career patterns on science and technology development, and the interplay between recent digital and organizational transformations in industries. He previously was a post-doc at TU Berlin and a visiting fellow at Stanford University and University of Bologna. |Jan-H. Passoth is a Research Group Leader of the Digital/Media/Lab at the MCTS. He studied sociology, computer science and political science at Hamburg University where he also completed his dissertation in social theory. His research focuses on the use of standardized and interconnected software technologies in popular culture, politics and the media. He has worked in Hamburg, Bielefeld and Berlin and has been a visiting scholar at Indiana University, Pennsylvania State University.