Message posted on 21/02/2020

Cfp for Open Panel on STS+Universities at 4s/EASST 2020 in Prague 18-21 August

                Call for Abstracts to participate in Open Panel 97:
<br>Locating & Timing Governance in STS and Universities
<br>Organizers Knut H. Srensen (NTNU) and Sharon Traweek (UCLA)
<br>The panel will be held in Prague, 18-21 August 2020, at the joint conference
<br>of the European Association for Studies of Science & Technology (EASST)
<br> and the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
<br>The EASST/4s 2020 Conference theme is Locating and Timing Matters:
<br>Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds
<br> For more conference information see
<br>Call for abstracts to participate in Open Panel 97:
<br>Locating & Timing Governance in STS and Universities
<br>Organizers Knut H. Srensen (NTNU) and Sharon Traweek (UCLA)
<br>For many generations universities have been institutions of higher education
<br>and research. Now they are expected to contribute to local and global
<br>economies by commercializing research and spurring innovation, while
<br>addressing grand social challenges like climate mitigation and social
<br>disparities. They also must engage successfully in mass higher education and
<br>outreach with a variety of publics. This means that universities now occupy a
<br>strategic place in re/shaping society by circulating research and knowledge
<br>through teaching and professional expertise. Meanwhile, universities have
<br>become subject to increased auditing practices and austerity policies, locally
<br>and globally. Many universities turn to experts in branding and
<br>commodification for strategies in defining and representing their work as
<br>STS provides resources for understanding such dis/continuities in the making
<br>and circulation of knowledge while the study of universities in dynamic
<br>ecologies is vital to addressing unexamined assumptions in STS about the
<br>relationship between research, teaching, and society, as well as the
<br>governance of that relationship. We invite papers that address how
<br>universities engage with the changing:
<br>- fragility and resilience of university cultures.
<br>- demands for rapid intellectual, social, and economic contributions to
<br>- work life and agency of academics
<br>- relationship between teaching, research, innovation, and outreach;
<br>- intersectional issues in knowledge making, teaching, outreach, funding, and
<br>- political economies of research, teaching, funding, and outreach;
<br>- campus infrastructures from software and budgets to buildings and
<br>transportation; and
<br>- increasingly complex webs of relationships among universities glocally
<br>through rankings, MOUs, satellite campuses, academic mobilities, etc.
<br>         The organizers are co-authors of Questing Excellence: Tales of Two
<br>Universities (under contract with Routledge).
<br>Abstract Requirements: Give your main arguments, methods, and contributions to
<br>specific aspects of the panel topic in in 250 words or less.
<br>Deadline for abstract submissions is 29 February 2020
<br>Submission information
<br>For more information contact:
<br>Knut H Srensen, Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian University of
<br>Science and Technology (NTNU)
<br>Sharon Traweek, Gender Studies, University of California at Los Angeles
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