Message posted on 17/01/2019

CFP: Critical Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (RN24)

                CFP: Critical Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (RN24)
<br>14th Conference of the European Sociological Association
<br>20-23 August 2019, Manchester / UK
<br>During the past few years artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
<br>platforms have become a hot topic in numerous fields of application and
<br>development. From the financial sector to medicine, and law, AI is seen to
<br>become a 'revolutionary' force that will fundamentally alter our lives and the
<br>way we work and understand the world around us. At the same time, critics
<br>point out that current AI developments are not revolutionary, but rather
<br>disguise human bias into programming in new ways which we do not yet fully
<br>understand.  This bias is seen to introduce new forms of discrimination and
<br>segregation into everyday life that is increasingly difficult to identify. The
<br>use of Ai also generates a strong need for the development of new professional
<br>skills, both in the professions which use AI in their work, but also amongst
<br>those who seek to study it critically as a social phenomenon. Both theoretical
<br>and empirically embedded papers are welcome.
<br>We invite abstracts of no more than 300 words to this special set of sessions
<br>of RN24 which explore recent developments in AI and machine learning from a
<br>sociological perspective by February 1 (
<br>For further information: Aaro Tupasela
<br>( and Heta
<br>Tarkkala (heta.
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