Message posted on 14/01/2019

"Data natures: of ethnographies, troubles and bridges" Berlin 22 January Lecture Nadim

                Prof. Dr. Tahani Nadim
<br>Data natures: of ethnographies, troubles and bridges
<br>on the occasion of her appointment as a S-W1 professor at the
<br>Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
<br>22 January 2019, 6:15pm
<br>Institute for European Ethnology, Room 408
<br>Møhrenstrasse 41
<br>10117 Berlin - Germany
<br>Tahani Nadim studied Art and Design History at Camberwell College of
<br>Arts London. She gained her PhD in 2012 in the sociology of science with
<br>Prof. Mike Michael at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her doctoral
<br>thesis was concerned with sequence databases, socio-technical
<br>imaginations and new knowledge practices. She arrived at the Museum für
<br>Naturkunde Berlin through an International Museum Fellowship of the
<br>German Federal Cultural Foundation. She heads the new department
<br>Humanities of nature.
<br>Prof. Nadim’s research is based in science and technology studies (STS)
<br>and focuses on data practices and data infrastructures in the natural
<br>science. Current research questions concern the datafication of nature,
<br>its political and societal consequences and the development of
<br>collaborative, artistic and interdisciplinary ways of knowing.
<br>The lecture will be held in English. Entry is free, no registration is
<br>required. There will be drinks afterwards.
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