Message posted on 19/06/2018

Ecologies of Internet Video: Beyond YouTube (new book)

                Dear colleagues,
<br>Some of you may be interested in my newly published book, Ecologies of
<br>Internet Video: Beyond YouTube, which is part of Routledge’s Research in
<br>Cultural and Media Studies series.
<br>The book explores the complex, dynamic, and contested webs of relationships in
<br>which three different groups of video makers found themselves when
<br>distributing their work on the Internet. It draws upon both the Deleuzian
<br>notion of "assemblage" and Actor-Network Theory, which together provide a rich
<br>conceptual framework for characterizing and analysing these webs. The groups
<br>examined are a UK video activist project, a community of film and television
<br>fans originating in the US, and an association of US community television
<br>Rather than taking YouTube as its point of departure, this book centres on the
<br>groups themselves, contextualizing their contemporary distribution practices
<br>within their pre-Internet histories. It then follows the groups as they drew
<br>upon various Internet technologies beyond YouTube to create their
<br>often-complex video distribution assemblages, a process that entangled them in
<br>these webs of relationships.
<br>Through the analysis of detailed ethnographic fieldwork conducted across a
<br>period of several years, this book demonstrates that while the groups found
<br>some success in achieving their various goals as video makers, their
<br>situations were often problematic and their agency limited, with their
<br>practices contested by both human and technological actors within their
<br>distribution assemblages.
<br>More information on the book is available here:
<br>Dr John Hondros
<br>School of Media, Film and Music
<br>University of Sussex
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