Message posted on 17/01/2018

Reminder: 4th Energy & Society Conference

                Deadline extended until 31 January 2018.
<br>4th Energy & Society Conference: Energy transitions in a divided world
<br>Midterm conference of the European Sociological Association RN12 - Environment
<br>and Society
<br>Call for Papers
<br>3rd  5th September 2018, University of Exeter, UK
<br>The fourth Energy & Society Conference will take place in Exeter, UK, from 3rd
<br>to 5th September 2018. We aim to bring together researchers interested in the
<br>social dimensions of energy, to exchange insightful ideas and create
<br>opportunities for collaboration. We invite contributions from sociology, other
<br>social sciences and interdisciplinary networks.
<br>This time the conference theme is Energy transitions in a divided world.  The
<br>theme reflects recent developments around the world that have been linked to a
<br>decline in social and spatial cohesion and cooperation: the onward march of
<br>individualism, privatisation and deregulation associated with neoliberal
<br>principles, and the rise of nationalism within and beyond Europe. The Brexit
<br>vote in the UK and the Trump presidency in the US are just two manifestations
<br>of these processes. But what are the impacts of these wider social
<br>transformations for future energy systems?
<br>Confirmed keynote speakers:
<br>Catherine Mitchell (University of Exeter)
<br>Harald Rohracher (Linkping University)
<br>This theme is intended to spark debate and discussion, but we encourage
<br>submissions on a wide variety of topics including but not limited to the
<br>  *   Local capacities, responsibilities and strategies in energy governance
<br>  *   Public participation in transforming energy systems and citizen
<br>  *   International cooperation and the impact of Brexit on Europe's energy
<br>  *   Transition strategies: From grid interconnection to sharing and
<br>  *   Theoretical approaches to energy transitions and critical perspective
<br>  *   Social justice, energy poverty and (future) energy systems
<br>  *   Dynamics and patterns of energy consumption
<br>  *   Smart meters, smart appliances, smart grids, smart places
<br>  *   Embodiment and energy: habits, dispositions, practical knowledge
<br>  *   Green economy, circular economy, and visions of the future
<br>  *   Energy discourses  economic, political and environmental narratives
<br>  *   Methods for operationalising sociological theories on energy
<br>  *   Energy-water-food-resource-nexus
<br>  *   Living labs/real life laboratories in energy research
<br>We encourage the submission of abstracts for presentation in traditional
<br>conference session format as well as for roundtables and poster presentations.
<br>We also welcome proposals for workshops organised by participants.
<br>Workshops are meant to discuss a specific issue reflecting the conference
<br>theme, or the contribution of social analysis to energy research and policy.
<br>The discussion should be based on short inputs, and actively involve
<br>participants. Interactive formats are encouraged. In roundtable sessions paper
<br>presenters will have more time for discussion than in traditional sessions.
<br>This format is particularly useful for presenting work in progress (e.g.
<br>doctoral thesis) and early stage ideas for discussion with peers. Poster
<br>presenters will be given space in a session for a 3 minutes short presentation
<br>and posters will be displayed throughout the conference.
<br>- Abstracts (oral, roundtable or poster presentations): 150-200 words, plus
<br>authors, affiliations, and email addresses.
<br>- Workshop proposals: the proposals should provide a title and a brief
<br>abstract (150-200 words). Workshops can contain up to four presentations. If
<br>the workshop involves individual presentations, the proponent organisers need
<br>to include a title and abstract for each paper (150 words, plus names and
<br>Authors cannot present more than one paper as lead-author. Abstracts must be
<br>submitted in English.
<br>Please submit your abstracts and workshop proposals to:
<br>The deadline for the submission of abstracts and workshop proposals is January
<br>31st 2018. Authors will be informed whether or not their abstract or workshop
<br>proposal is accepted by early March 2018.
<br>The registration fees for members of the Research Network 12 Environment and
<br>Society of the European Sociological Association, for non-members, and for
<br>students are listed below.  Please note that early bird registration rates are
<br>        Members ESA RN 12       Students        Standard fee
<br>Early bird (until May 31st)     35     65     90
<br>Late    60     90     120
<br>Social events include a welcome reception, an optional conference dinner, and
<br>We look forward to welcoming you to Exeter.
<br>For further information please contact: Catherine Butler
<br>( and Karen Bickerstaff
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