Message posted on 17/01/2018

CFP: 97. Time-Scapes of Toxicity @4S Sydney

                Dear all
<br>We are seeking abstract submissions for our open panel at the 4S 2018
<br>conference in Sydney. Call for abstracts is due on Feb. 1, 2018 (You can see
<br>the full list of open panels as well as submit your abstract here:
<br>). Please contact any of
<br>the organizers if you have any questions!
<br>97. Time-Scapes of Toxicity
<br>Britt Dahlberg (Chemical Heritage Foundation;
<br>Yeonsil Kang (The Catholic University of Korea;
<br>How does time play out in toxicity? While ideas of “the Anthropocene” and
<br>“slow disaster” urge consideration of hazards along much longer
<br>timeframes, the multiplicity and simultaneity of temporal scales—of humans,
<br>natures, and materials such as plastics, pesticides, or radiation—complicate
<br>the ways actors and researchers comprehend time within and across polluted
<br>Time-scapes connect with land- and socio-scapes. On the one hand,
<br>acknowledgment of toxicity develops at different times in different regions,
<br>and industries strategically shift extraction and manufacturing to navigate
<br>costs and regulation. On the other hand, human actions bring about new
<br>openings and closures to toxicity – for instance, when actors reframe
<br>asbestos as a present-day environmental hazard, rather than occupational
<br>hazard “of the past” to mobilize attention and intervention.
<br>We welcome papers exploring questions such as: Where in time do actors locate
<br>risks, and what work does that do? Where are places located in relation to
<br>time-scapes of toxins? In what ways do actors make sense of temporal scales in
<br>polluted sites, and work to open and close problems of toxicity? How do
<br>temporal boundaries relate to efforts to manage hazards and enact safety? How
<br>does temporal locating of risk, shift public priorities or felt experiences of
<br>being “at risk” or safe? How do actors and could researchers comprehend a
<br>longue durée of hazards? By asking these questions, this panel contributes to
<br>the understanding of transnationality of knowledge production, technological
<br>inventions and usages, and regulation and activism about hazards – through
<br>thinking across temporal and spatial boundaries.
<br>강연실 Yeonsil Kang
<br>Ph.D., Science and Technology Policy
<br>Postdoctoral Research Fellow
<br>The Catholic University of Korea
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