Conference payment page

Do not continue with this page, unless you have received an invoice requesting payment.

By direct transfer

If you cannot get WorldPay to work, or prefer to pay by bank transfer to our account you will need the following details:
Account name: EASST
Bank name: ING Bank
Address: Bijlmerdreef 109, 1102 BW Amsterdam, Netherlands
IBAN: NL45 INGB 000 652 3333

EASST address: Postbus 80115,
3508TC Utrecht, Netherlands
EASST office: email admin(at)
Phone: +44 7745 298 268

If you are able to give a reference, please give your invoice number.
If your account name is different than the name we hold for you, please email membership(at),
with subject “Payment surname difference” so as to help identify your payment.

This is NOT a free service – please ensure that your bank charges your account and does not reduce the amount we receive.

Refund Policy

Payments will be confirmed by email. You have a legal right to a cooling-off period: you have the right to cancel your registration and receive a refund within seven days of this confirmation being sent. After that partial refunds may be available up to three weeks before the conference. Please contact conference(at) if you wish to cancel your registration.