EASST Funds 2021-22

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The following projects were granted EASST funds:

6th STS Italia Summer School “Disentangling Futures: Promises, Scenarios, Experiments Lead Applicant: Paolo Magaudda (STS Italia / University of Padova, PaSTIS Research Unit). Co-applicants: Marc Audétat (University of Lusanne, STS Lab), Philippe Sormani (University of Lusanne, STS Lab), Stefano Crabu (University of Padova, PaSTIS Research Unit), Paolo Giardullo (STS Italia & University of Padova, PaSTIS Research Unit), Federico Neresini (University of Padova, PaSTIS Research Unit). 

International Multimodal Workshop with special focus on researching and publishing strategies for multimodal interventions in the field of migration, borders and security technologies., April 2022  Lead applicant: Ildikó Plájás (Leiden University). Co-applicants: Nina Amelung (University of Lisbon), Pedro Neto (University of Lisbon), Koen Leurs (Utrecht University). See PDF of workshop abstracts and the final roundtable webpage.

Online Seminar Series on Socio-Technical Integration Research: Building knowledge, skills, and community Lead applicant: Mareike Smolka (Maastricht University, NL), Co-applicants: Erik Fisher, Cynthia Pickering (Arizona State University, US), Michiel van Oudheusden (KU Leuven, BE), Miklós Lucovics (University of Szeged, HU), Alan Tkaczyk (University of Tartu, EE), Mone Spindler (University Tübingen, DE), Alexandra Hausstein (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE), Antonia Bierwirth (Tecnalia Centre of Applied Research and Technology Development, ES), Steven Flipse (TU Delft, NL), Peter Stegmaier (University of Twente, NL)

5th Conference Trends of the Sociology of Knowledge, Science and Technology in Portugal (10th Anniversary of the Thematic Section on Knowledge, Science and Technology of the Portuguese Sociological Association) and follow-up event Lead applicant: Maria Strecht Almeida. Co-applicants: Ana Raquel Matos, Pedro Xavier Mendonça, Andrés Spognardi, António Carvalho, and Filipa Queirós

Knowledge Exchange Workshop between the Social Studies of Outer Space (SSOS) Network and the European Space Agency (ESA). Lead applicants: A.R.E. Taylor, Tamara Alvarez, Michael Clormann, Denis Sivkov, Matjaz Vidmar. Co-applicants: Mark McCaughrean (European Space Agency), Vitali Braun (European Space Operation Centre), Bernard Foing (European Space Agency).