Iñaki Goñi

Greetings! I am Iñaki Goñi, a Chilean/Basque doctoral candidate at the Science, Technology and Innovation Studies department, University of Edinburgh. My research focuses on technology and democratic theory, exploring how citizens engage with technology and how technologies shape participation. Before my PhD, I was a lecturer and researcher at the Universidad Católica de Chile.

While I am critical of public participation, I am also deeply engaged. I have worked on large-scale participatory processes, including Chile’s recent constitutional reforms. In Scotland, I co-founded the Collective Intelligence group, advising the Scottish Government on participation technologies, and collaborate with the Scottish Parliament to embed citizen deliberation in law-making. I also lead the data strategy of the Iswe Foundation, working towards a permanent Global Citizens Assembly.

I am active in academic roles, serving on the Editorial Board of Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society and IEEE Transactions on Technology in Society. I also hold positions as Associate Director of the Centre for Science, Knowledge, and Expertise at Edinburgh (SKAPE) and as a core member of the Centre for Technomoral Futures, both at the University of Edinburgh.

I consider myself hardworking and collaborative, with a global perspective shaped by what Gloria Anzaldúa calls “double-vision”—an understanding of both the North and South. If elected to the EASST Council, I would leverage my diverse experiences to bring a global view to EASST, fostering collaboration that helps maintain STS’s critical edge while ensuring we make an impactful contribution in these challenging times.