Assunta Viteritti (University Sapienza)

I am Associate Professor of Sociology of Education and STS at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, where I am in charge of a Research Unit that develops teaching and research projects in STS fields.

At Sapienza I’m member of the Working Group called “Quality and Innovation of Didactic in Higher Education – QuID”, where I conducted research works on the transformation of the academic profession according to an STS vision.

Over the last 20 years my scientific trajectory has developed as an STS scholar. Since 2005 I have been a member of the STS Italia Scientific Association and, since 2010, I have contributed to the Editorial Project of the Journal Tecnoscienza (

From 2018 to 2021 I was President of the STS Italia Scientific Association. As STS Italia President, I contributed to the organization of the 8th STS Italia International Conference (Dis/Entangling Technoscience. Responsibility, Vulnerability and Justice, Trieste, Italy, June 2021).

Over the last years, I have been coordinator or research partner in several research projects on STS topics. My research interests are situated at the intersection of laboratory studies, analysis of scientific practice, technofeminism and study of educational contexts (school and university) as sociomaterial networks.

In the last year, I started a research project on educational robotics in Italy and Europe with the EDU-Robot research unit (in collaboration with a group of STS researchers from Lausanne). I am also involved in investigating digitization processes in education according to an STS vision.

By applying for EASST Council, I wish to contribute to shaping the future of STS in Europe. As my specific contribution to the work of the board, from my experience over the past few years, I could perhaps make some contribution to the editorial work of the EASST journals, but I am also opened to contributing to other fields. Finally, I would like to become more familiar and involved with the STS international context.

With these motivations I propose my candidature for one of three positions of the EASST Council (ordinary members).
