Sisco Auala, Hannah Dalgleish

Dr Sisco Auala: Researcher/Senior Lecturer, Namibia University of Science and Technology. An indigenous tourism researcher with more than 20 years of experience in tourism development. She holds a PhD in tourism development from the Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. Her research interests are in dark sky tourism, indigenous astronomy, and community development. Connecting humanity and nature through indigenous tourism experiences of the night skies. She is a keen advocate for preservation of indigenous knowledge systems for sustainable tourism development and women empowerment.|Dr Hannah Dalgleish is a researcher and policy engagement professional. She finished her PhD in Astrophysics from Liverpool John Moores University in 2020, and since spent time in Namibia working to use astronomy as a means for sustainable development. She was an Oxford Policy Engagement Fellow in 2022, working in Northern Ireland to exchange knowledge with policymakers on the topic of light pollution. Most recently she was a Green Talents Fellow working on ‘rewilding the night’ at the Sustainable AI Lab in Bonn, Germany.|