Monika Kurath is a researcher at the ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture Centre for Re search on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment. She works in the fields of science and technology studies, socio logy of science, technology, ar chitecture and urban studies. Her research is about social, po litical and cultural implications of emerging technologies, urban planning and aesthetic know ledge. Her current projects are called: (1) Rethinking Zones, (2) Aesthetic Practices after Bo logna, and (3) Academizing Ar chitecture: Design as a Research Practice.|Jean Ruegg is a professor of Hu man Geography at the Universi ty of Lausanne, Faculty of Geo sciences and the Environment, Institute of Geography and Sustainability. His work fol lows three complementary lines of research: (1) the governance processes between different institutional territories, (2) the interaction between city/coun tryside, urban/rural or built/unbuilt and the regulations of these environments, and (3) the cultures of planning in the pro ject Rethinking Zones.|Julio Paulos is a PhD Student at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture and affiliated with the Research Centre on Ar chitecture, Society and the Built Environment. He is an assisting researcher on the project Rethin king Zones: A comparative stu dy of planning cultures. His re search interest includes STS and Urban Studies with a particular focus on city planning.|Julio Paulos is a PhD Student at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture and affiliated with the Research Centre on Ar chitecture, Society and the Built Environment. He is an assisting researcher on the project Rethin king Zones: A comparative stu dy of planning cultures. His re search interest includes STS and Urban Studies with a particular focus on city planning.|Julio Paulos is a PhD Student at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture and affiliated with the Research Centre on Ar chitecture, Society and the Built Environment. He is an assisting researcher on the project Rethin king Zones: A comparative stu dy of planning cultures. His re search interest includes STS and Urban Studies with a particular focus on city planning.|||