.Miquel Domènech is Senior Lecturer in the Social Psychology Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is a founding member and former director of STS-b. He has also been involved in the EASST Council between 2015 and 2021. His current research interests have to do with the analysis of the processes of implementation of care technologies, the mechanisms of citizen participation in technoscientific issues, and the ethical reflection on robotics and Artificial Intelligence. |Francisco Tirado holds a Ph. Dr. in Social Psychology. He is a Senior Lecturer in the Social Psychology Department of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is the director of STS-b. His research analyses the relationships between science, technology and society. His works focus mainly on power relations and political action in sociotechnical contexts. He has studied the link between biomedicine and biopolitics, and currently examines how Artificial Intelligence and algorithmic practices are turning biopolitics into psychopolitics.