Mareike Smolka completed her PhD research in STS at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and recently started her postdoctoral research at the Human Technology Center of RWTH Aachen University in Germany where she studies the responsible governance of innovation ecosystems. She has four years of experience in conducting STIR research and has organized several STIR workshops for students as well as researchers.|Erik Fisher was trained as a policy scientist and holds degrees in environmental studies, classics, and philosophy and mathematics. He is Associate Professor at the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and directs the Center for Responsible Innovation in the Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation at Arizona State University. He developed the STIR method and the corresponding analytical framework of midstream modulation|Cynthia Pickering is an electrical engineer with 35 years of experience in the high-tech industry in software development, artificial intelligence, information technology, and collaboration systems. She is currently the co-PI for three NSF grants at the Center for Broadening Participation in STEM and a PhD researcher at the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University where she investigates capacities for socio-technical learning in undergraduate STEM education.|Lyric Peate is a user experience designer and researcher at Northern Arizona University. In 2022, she will complete an MS in Public Interest Technology at Arizona State University. Her thesis project is an artificial reality game focused on misinformation and the role of «egotistic relativity» in social media. She designs flyers, presentations, and the website of the STIR seminar series.