Evgeniya Popova

Evgeniya Popova, PhD, Director of Research Centre for Policy Analysis and Studies for Technology, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science, Tomsk State National Research University. She graduated from European University at St. Petersburg and defended her dissertation in political science (Moscow, Moscow State Institute of International Relations) in 2003. She received training at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Center for Political Studies, 2008-2009) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (2000). She has participated and led research projects supported by the Federal Target Program “Kadry” of the Russian Federation, the Fund of Infrastructure and Educational Programs at OJSC RUSNANO, Russian Venture Company, Interregional Studies in the Social Sciences (MION), the Academy of Finland, ACLS, and Carnegie Foundations. She authored the book The Material Environment and the Reform Policy of the Urban Economy in Contemporary Russia (2010) and numerous articles in different scientific journals. Her two monographs won the Russian Political Science Association competition in 2011 and 2007.