Elena Genkova is currently a fourth year B.A. sociology student in Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski“. She graduated from Humanitarian High-school „St. st. Kiril and Metodii“ Plovdiv, in 2012, particularly studying English, Philosophy, Literature and History. She participated in numerous events concerning innovative technologies and ecology and took part in several sociological studies by analyzing and acquiring data. Her main interests are in sociology of science and technology, semiotics and data processing.|Gergana Dineva is currently a fourth year B.A. sociology student in Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski“. Her interests are related to sociology of science and technology, risk societies and data processing. She participated in student practice under the Human Resources Development Operational Programme, co-financed by the European Social fund, that took place at the Bulgarian Red cross. She graduated from Secondary School „St. Kiril and Metodii“, humanitarian profile with enhanced studying of greek, history and technology.