Investigating the Moral Nuances of Nature: A Multisensory Exploration Through the Anthropogenic Urban Woodland
by Bente Castro-Campos
On Generation: A Review-Recap of AusSTS2022
by Scott Webster
From laboratory life to the living and tinkering laboratories of care: a new perspective in STS research?
Inspired by the keynote plenary intervention of Madeleine Akrich on “Inquiries into experience and the multiple politics of knowledge” at the 4S/EASST Conference in Barcelona 2016, this article discusses the profile of an emerging perspective in STS research: a tinkering living laboratory of care. Moreover, it provides a closer examination of care theories and practices as they were addressed in three sessions from the same conference. A tinkering living laboratory of care is a source of knowledge “by other means”, it overpasses an individual way of thinking, and argues for collective-orientated theories and methodologies.
How to inherit from Barcelona?
by Ignacio Farías
Does History Matter? Techno-sciences and their Historically Informed Policies
by Stathis Arapostathis
by Alexa Färber
Reset Latour!
by Line Marie Thorsen, Anders Blok
Procedures to deal with modernity without irony
by Arthur Petersen
Tracing Sociomaterial Practices in Technoscientific Worlds. Stakes and Directions for STS
by Erik Aarden
“Making and Doing” at 4S Meeting (Denver): Let’s extend the experiment!
by Julie Le Bot, Marianne Noel