Making & Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel edited by Gary Lee Downey and Teun Zuiderent-Jerak was awarded the EASST Olga Amsterdamska Award given for significant creative collaborations in an edited book or special issue in the broad field of science and technology studies.
Making & Doing calls attention to knowledge expression and travel in STS scholarship. This anthology shows how STS making & doing projects “activate STS” by going beyond the academic article or book by exploring novel forms of knowledge expression and travel. The metaphor of travel is a big improvement over “impact” because it suggests diverse trajectories with multiple starting points and flows of learning between STS and its respective fields, rather than emanations from a privileged scholarly core. The main innovation of the book is that it locates STS sensibilities in and outside scholarly STS, and attends to novel forms of knowledge expression and travel that produce flows of learning in both or multiple directions. In this sense, the anthology, through offering a lexicon for the scholarship of STS making & doing, will surely become a valuable guide for future work and for innumerous scholarly inventive moments through keeping the relations between STS and its fields thoroughly alive.
The book is available Open Access from the MIT site.