Selen Eren

As an early career researcher (post-doc) based in the Arctic region at the Cultural Anthropology Research Unit of the University of Oulu, Finland, and connected to STS in Turkey, becoming a member of the EASST Council would be a great opportunity to increase the voice and visibility of these traditionally underrepresented local academic constituencies.

My work contributes to the environmental STS by focusing on how environmental scientific knowledge is produced and translated into governance practices, and what kinds of infrastructures are needed to produce effective environmental knowledge for building just, multispecies liveable futures. I wish to bring care for these issues as well as my experience as a representative to the work of the EASST Council. Since my time as an MSc student, I have had the opportunity to serve in several roles in academic communities. I was co-founder and contributor to iris (2018-2022), the first crowd-sourced online STS Encyclopaedia in Turkish supported by STS Turkey Network and IstanbulLab, member of the Education Committee of WTMC (2019-2021), chair of the Faculty PhD Council (2021-2022), and a member of the Sustainable Society Grants selection committee as a former grantee (2022-2023). In addition to these community roles, which require skills such as leadership, project management, and negotiation, I have been a part of organizing committees of several events such as ‘STS from/within Turkey’ (2018), WTMC Annual Events (2019, 2021), Liveable Futures Festival (2022, 2023), and Finnish Society for Environmental Social Science Colloquium (2025).