Estrid Sørensen is a Junior Pro fessor of Cultural Psychology and Anthropological Know ledge in the Mercator Research Group „Spaces of Anthropolo gical Knowledge: Production and Transfer“ at the Ruhr-Uni versity in Bochum. She has done research on the production of knowledge and subjectivities through instructional techno logies in education, and on the diversity and coordination of categorisations of harmful me dia throughout societal societal institutions. She is currently in vestigating knowledge produc tion in social psychology|Cornelius Schubert is a post doc researcher in the DFG re search training programme „Locating Media“ at the Univer sity of Siegen. He specialises in science and technology studies, medical and organisational so ciology and innovation studies. He has conducted research on human-technology interactions in surgical operations and on global innovation networks in the semiconductor industry. He is currently studying the impact of computer simulations on pre dictive knowledge in politics and the econom.|Estrid Sørensen is a Junior Pro fessor of Cultural Psychology and Anthropological Know ledge in the Mercator Research Group „Spaces of Anthropolo gical Knowledge: Production and Transfer“ at the Ruhr-Uni versity in Bochum. She has done research on the production of knowledge and subjectivities through instructional techno logies in education, and on the diversity and coordination of categorisations of harmful me dia throughout societal societal institutions. She is currently in vestigating knowledge produc tion in social psychology|